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Friday, January 11, 2013


It's that PRINTMAKING time of year again!  Inspired by Filth Wizardry and the ZILLIONS of Legos that my son possesses, my second grade art students drew simple shapes to make robots, and then dipped them in tempera paint to mimic robot gadgetry.  We talked about how robot bodies look a lot like ours, except that instead of curves, they have lots of straight lines.

We then used colored Sharpies to outline shapes and fill in the robot forms, while watching The Lego Story on YouTube.  My normally rowdy 7 & 8 year olds were mesmerized, on-task and had a blast!



Day 1
12" x 18" white drawing or manila paper
Stancups or other small paint containers
Tempera Paint (We used 6 different colors)
Paint shirts/smocks
Trays of Legos
Photos of robots
Drawing pencils

Day 2
Colored Sharpies and/or thin markers
The Lego Story video

Total time: 1 hour

Be prepared for messy hands on the printing day.  I had to lay down the law after my first class somehow got paint on the BACK of their hands and all over their palms, but things settled down after that.  Would I teach this again?  Yessireee, and perhaps try on metallic paper!